Calabrian hot chili pepper Diavolicchio. Curiosities, uses and where to find it online

Calabrian hot pepper or Diavolicchio (Capsicum annum) is an annual plant belonging to the family of Solanacee, the same of potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes and tobacco. Native to the American continent, introduced by Christopher Columbus coming back from the New World. Hot chilli pepper brought a new twist to what is defined as poor cooking. Used to preserve meat in warmer climates without refrigeration. The prevalence of hot pepper in the kitchens of the poor brought its nickname, spice of the poor.

Use of Calabrian hot pepper in cooking (properties and benefits):

Calabrian chili is used in cured meats and sausage, pasta sauces, pizza and bruschetta, but it is not always enough for those with a spicy tooth. Apart from its many uses in cooking, for a long time now the berry has been under the magnifying glass of the scientific community because of its many benefits. The fruit contains vitamins (C, E, K, B, A), mineral salts such as calcium, carotenoids, copper and potassium. In particular, hot pepper is very rich in vitamin C: 100 grams of this spicy fruit contain 229 milligrams of it as opposed to 50 of orange. According to many published studies, hot pepper would have an antibacterial and vasodilating action. Not only that, it would also contribute to keep under control the values of cholesterol and blood pressure. Moreover, it is used in the form of cream in order to relieve bone, muscular and arthritic pains.

Curiosity about Calabrian hot pepper:

Calabrian hot pepper has an erect stem, white flowers and oblong shaped fruits which in the ripening stage change from green to yellow to bright red. The peculiarity of the fruit is its pungency to the palate, a characteristic given by capsaicin which is capable of stimulating and increasing blood flow. The typical spicy taste makes Calabrian hot pepper an ideal spice in cooking in order to season and flavor recipes. Being very rich in active principles, Calabrian hot pepper can also be used in topical preparations in order to fight arthritis and muscular pains. With the quality and popularity of Calabrian hot peppers, it is no wonder Calabria is the home of the Italian Hot Pepper Academy which organizes dinners and cooking classes centered on hot peppers, publishes a magazine, has a library and an experimental center for the cultivation of hot peppers.

On Tastiness Food Shop you will find Calabrian hot peppers to buy online both fresh and combined with other products and preparations.

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