Pass the ricotta through a sieve, add the finely chopped almonds, the lemon of Calabria cut into small pieces and the other ingredients. Finally mix everything well so that the dough becomes smooth and equal. Now prepare a dough with 300 grams of artisanal flour made from Italian grains, 120 grams of sugar, a pinch of salt, a small glass of rum, a tablespoon of butter, a whole egg, lemon juice and enough milk. The dough must be soft, let it rest a little then take two thirds of it, flatten it and with this line the bottom and walls of a cake tin before buttering the baking tin. Pour in the already prepared filling and cover everything with the leftover dough. Bake in a moderate oven. When the cake is golden brown, sprinkle with vanilla icing sugar and garnish with some candied cherries. Before putting the cake in the oven, make some small holes in the pastry with the tip of a knife.
Ingredients for the dough:
300 grams of artisanal flour from Italian grains
120 g of sugar
1 egg
1 tablespoon of butter
lemon juice
candied cherries
1 small glass of rum
Ingredients for the filling
700 grams of sheep ricotta
100 grams of sweet Sicilian almonds
50 grams of lemons
250 g of sugar
1 glass of milk
2 spoons of cocoa