Calabrian vines

We have built a real online wine shop. For a long time we have been involved in the research and selection in the Calabrian territory in all the provinces of Cosenza, Catanzaro, Crotone, Vibo Valentia and Reggio Calabria of fine wines produced from indigenous grapes such as the most famous Gaglioppo, Savuto, Greco, Nerello and many others. To date we have selected five micro wineries in Calabria that are able to produce with care and wisdom, giving rise to niche products, valuable, that can give strong sensory emotions. Wineries within farms that produce red, white and rosé wines exclusively from grapes grown on their own land. Are you a fan of Calabrian wines? Would you like to discover aromatic notes and taste emotions given by the wines of the Calabrian territory? Contact us by filling out the form below.

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