pizza al caciocavallo di Ciminà

Pizza with Caciocavallo of Ciminà

Prepare the dough the night before, which will have to rise overnight, by mixing the yeast with half a glass of milk, half a glass of water, an egg and the flour, so that the result is a soft dough. After about two hours, add another egg to the dough and knead it, then let it rest overnight. The next morning put together the remaining eggs, add salt, pepper and 150 grams of Caciocavallo di Ciminà, the grated Parmesan cheese, butter, extra virgin olive oil, and work long and well the dough that will be very soft, then add the rest of the caciocavallo cut into pieces and leave aside 4 5 pieces. Oil well a rather narrow and high baking pan, put the dough in it and in the middle of that put the pieces of Cimina caciocavallo already kept aside, pushing them in slightly. Let rise in formo, remember that this pizza needs to be worked a total of 2 hours and has risen 3 times.


500 grams of flour

150 grams of parmesan cheese

350 grams of caciocavallo of Cimina

50 grams of butter

4 spoons of extra virgin olive oil

4 eggs


60 grams of yeast

salt and pepper

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