Ingredients for 4 people:
- vermicelli: 500 g
- tender artichokes: 4/5
- bacon: 100 g
- eggs: 4
- pecorino cheese+
parmesan cheese: 200 g
- extra virgin olive oil: ½ glass
- black pepper, salt, parsley
- 2 cloves of garlic
Clean the artichokes when tender and cut them into strips, put them in a large pan with the oil, salt, cover and cook over low heat. When they are well cooked add the chopped parsley and the whole garlic, stir and as soon as you smell the garlic, add the bacon cut into strips, stir again and when the fat of the bacon becomes transparent turn off.
Beat the eggs with salt, then add the cheese and black pepper. Cook the vermicelli until al dente and pour them into the pan containing the artichoke sauce, put it back on the heat and stir, add the beaten eggs and continue stirring until the eggs set.
Serve piping hot with more cheese.