Make the dough as you would for a Neapolitan pizza, let it rise and then shape it into a fairly thin disc. Grease the inside of the disc with Italian extra-virgin olive oil, leaving ungreased one side all around, cover with the Calabrian prosciutto and Spianata Piccate Calabra coarsely chopped together with the diced mozzarella, salt and pepper to taste. Fold the disc in half to make a crescent shape. Grease and crush all around with firms so that the filling can not come out, put in hot oven . Ingredients:
400 grams of artisan flour
25 grams of yeast
200 grams of mozzarella
100 grams of Parmaham
100 grams of spicy spianata
Italianextra virgin oliveoil
salt, pepper to taste.