Cook the beans and, while still hot, pass them through a sieve, then mix the puree obtained with a little of the cooking water from the beans themselves, breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, cinnamon and mix everything together. Separately, prepare a sheet of pasta for tagliatelle, and cut it into strips of 7 centimetres, on which you will place at equal distances many small piles of the above-mentioned stuffing, then fold the strips over themselves so that the stuffing remains closed in the pasta and cut many small squares that you will cook in abundant boiling water, without stirring them so as not to break them. Drain them and place them in layers in a dish, seasoning them from hand to hand with a sauce that you have prepared by boiling them for a few minutes, and then seasoning the sapa with breadcrumbs, pepper and grated lemon rind. They can be served either hot or cold.
tagliatelle pasta
Lemons from lemon